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Gielle’s new DM-2 provides is a revolutionary new 2 channel digital gauge that offers features not found anywhere else. The DM-2 displays pressure & flow simultaneously and can calculate air changes without a laptop. The DM-2A provides an automatic pressure control.



DM-2 Series 2 Channel Digital Pressure Gauge 
The on the fly display of Retrotec’s new DM-2 dual channel digital gauge puts the operator in command of virtually every parameter of interest to the door-fan tester. The DM-2 represents a huge advance in building and envelope diagnostic instrumentation.

DM-2A, 3-Fan Splitter Box 
Retrotec’s new DM-2A, 3-Fan Splitter allows you to control the speed of three separate fans using a single gauge. Combined with the DM-2A’s powerful Set Pressure automatic control option, testing with multiple fans is now easier than ever.



Gielle use equipment and software to conduct: 

- Enclosure integrity tests using NFPA 2001, ISO 14520 
- Energy Loss Tests using: ATTMA: TS1, British CIBSE TM23, Canadian CGSB 149.10, American ASTM E779, Europe CEN/TC, Japanese standard, Dutch NEN 2686, SuperE, EN13829 and California Title 24 and current RESNET standards 
- Smoke and Refuge using: PFEER, 1994 Uniform Building Code Section 905


| fire protection enclosure testing | integrity enclosure testing | total flooding clean agent enclosure |
| enclosure integrity testing | fire enclosure integrity testing | fire risk assessment |


Contact Us
Blower Door Systems
Gielle Srl - Administrative Headsquares 
Via R. Ferri 32 Z.I. - 70022 Altamura (Ba) Italy
Tel +39 0803118998 - Fax + 39 0803101309
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